Executive Summary

Impact Seminars for Youth

We have demonstrated our process can readily facilitate volunteers directly into classrooms. Impact Seminars for Youth can enable any corporation to do more by asking less of each employee volunteer. During the first year Impact Seminars will administer each school/business partnership, but we remain “behind the scene” so all credit goes to the business. We invite each organization to publicize their participation as their independent program. Later a business can choose to contract all admin duties to Impact Seminars or do some on their own. The process we administer comprises the following steps:

  1. We enable corporations to implement our process as their autonomous program at a local elemen¬tary or middle school they choose. The first year each corporation will mostly observe this step. Later, two employees can administer this with a minimal effort. Spouses and retirees may want to be these administrators. OR, all administration can be contracted to Impact Seminars.
  2. Employee volunteers are invited to hold an informal conversation with a classroom of children at the selected school, namely a seminar, at any date & time of the employee’s choosing.
  3. The unique feature of our process is the ease with which it facilitates a huge volume and frequency of seminars (150 to 200 held in each school building every year). Our process permits each employee, not the school, to select the time and date they will volunteer. This is why our process is simple to administer and makes it easy to volunteer. It does require a paradigm shift, however, particularly at the school, and this is a sizeable part of what our consultation provides.
  4. The process we have corporations utilize is: 1) Add an online calendar to their internal website so several times each week a different employee can spend one-hour at this school; 2) Then, any em¬ployee can log-on and, in two minutes, schedules a classroom visit, some three weeks hence, for any date & time convenient for this employee; 3) On this date, the employee drives to the school to hold an informal dialogue with this classroom. It is that simple plus more benefits ensue.
  5. After one company implements our process others should follow, locally and later nationally.

Visualize the result in, e.g., Metro Detroit alone: 200 seminars in each of 200 schools (paired with 200 companies) yields 40,000 adults – each interacting with a classroom of 25 children. This will generate 1,000,000 student-hours with the employees of these local corporations, each and every year. A community engaged on this scale will be altered in many ways, all built upon “One Hour – Once.” Applied nationwide the numbers become staggering. Next, imagine this globally!

There are numerous other features embedded within our methodology, but they are all incidental to the benefits from the huge volume that’s possible. Once demonstrated in one major city it should proliferate across America. Our mission is “Empower America to Inspire Every Child!

For more information, please visit our website www.impactseminars.org and contact us 313-862-8090

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